無期遷徙 Liminal Space

∎ ∎ ∎ 「無期遷徙Liminal Space」 ∎ ∎ ∎ 


    本次展覽以「無期遷徙Liminal Space」作為命題,這段遷徙的路程沒有盡頭且時刻都在刷新、重新啟動。進入展場,觀者如同踏進另一個平行宇宙,在此過程中,無論是環境的遷移、感官的擴延,或者是身分的變形,都與遷徙息息相關。






 ∎ ∎ ∎ “Liminal Space”,   everlasting migration ∎ ∎ ∎ 


    The exhibition Liminal Space portrays liminality as an “everlasting migration” in the liminal space. The journey of this migration has no end and is constantly renewing and restarting. The curatorial team wants to have all the viewers enter the exhibition as if they are stepping into another parallel universe. While being in the liminal space, whether it is the movement of the environment, the expansion of the senses, or the transformation of identity, are all closely related to the migration. In the process of transitioning to the future, human beings always look back at the present from the historical context while reflecting on their own existence and appearance. This exhibition will lead the viewer to stop in the transition corridor, to look forward and to look back.

    The exhibition contains 7 pieces of artworks, which revolve around the concept of liminality and their interplay. In order to construct an independent view and feeling of the world, Liminal Space attempts to deconstruct the typical exhibition of a white cube, and focus on the transition between real and virtual, time and space, online and offline.













|Curatorial statement


    Since ancient times, humankind has been perceiving the world directly with their five senses, and interacting with the world with their own consciousness.

    The invention of printing expanded the sight that could be perceived visually. The subsequent development of photography, the phonograph and even film allowed life experiences of humankind to be preserved and represented. In person experiences are no longer essential, people can indirectly feel scenes that are different from the present.

    Later, the construction of the Internet has further expanded the scope of human audio-visual and interaction. People are allowed to own a different reality in the virtual environment; thus, to accumulate civilization in the constructed virtual world. These developments of technology have provided humankind brand new perceptions. In this process, the self-identification of people drift, transform and extend, entering a state of transition and communion - “liminality”.

    The liminality, or the threshold, refers to the transition corridor from one state to another. While being in this corridor, the liminality is also expanding, and its structural boundaries will continue to blur, overlap, and merge, keeping one in a state of continuous perceptual expansion.



∎ ∎ ∎ 「大遷徙」全場域轉換  ∎ ∎ ∎ 


    進入展場,觀者如同踏進另一個平行宇宙,所有作品有了自然的生存意義與規律,在大地即將甦醒之時,萬物即將沈睡之際,晝與夜的分界劃破天際。新的時序過渡,這期間因變化所產生的迷幻狀態,是連結兩端的通道,而體內的靈魂隨之躁動,我們稱其為「大遷徙」。遷徙的本意在於摸索交界時分迸發出的生命能量,遊走在通道中的一切慢慢變形,虛與實相互交織,邊界逐漸模糊,場內的集體變動,指引著每一個所向之地,我們也將從此開始,不停遷徙...... 。



∎ ∎ ∎ “Great Migration”, 

    the transition between day and night, real and virtual  ∎ ∎ ∎ 


    In this exhibition, "Great Migration" will bring a new worldview and experience to the exhibition venue and viewers. "Great Migration” will be a 30-minute transition, creating a special timeline shift in the exhibition. All the works in the venue will be accompanied by a unique change of lighting, color, brightness and darkness to present the transition between day and night, transforming the state of the virtual world in the key visual into physical sensation and rendering it into the real space.





早鳥票:160 元

優待票:180 元




※早鳥票的販售日期:2022/05/01 - 2022/05/27

※全票的販售日期:2022/05/28 - 2022/06/06





|Ticket Options


Regular Ticket:NT. 200

Early Bird Ticket:NT. 160 

Concession Ticket:NT. 180 

Disabled Ticket:NT. 100


※ Not suitable for children under 6 years old

※ Early Bird Ticket sales dates:2022/05/01 - 2022/05/27

※ Concessionary tickets are available for students, seniors over 65 years old, and children under 12 years old

※ People with disability manuals and one companion may purchase disabled tickets.


※Please read the notes before purchasing tickets. Once you have purchased your tickets, you are deemed to have agreed to all the above notes.





「無限之外 To infinity and beyond」

2022/06/02(四)17:30進場 18:00開始






|Opening Event Information


「To Infinity And Beyond」

2022/06/02 (Thursday) 17:30 Entry 18:00 Start


The exhibition Liminal Space opens with “To Infinity And Beyond”, an experimental and innovative performance, which blurs and merges the perceptual boundaries of the audience and immerses them in a huge and dynamic performance field.

With no end in sight, we are all constantly transitioning into the future, moving together into a new and exciting realm of the unknown and unpredictable.





∎ 展演名稱 | 無期遷徙 Liminal Space

∎ 主辦單位 | 國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系107級

∎ 展演時間 | 2022 /06 /03 - 2022 /06 /07 

                    每日10:00 - 20:00

∎ 開幕表演 | 2022 /06 /02 17:30進場 18:00開始

∎ 展演地點 | 華山文創園區 東2D倉庫

∎ 交通資訊 | 捷運忠孝新生站(板南線/新蘆線)1號出口步行約3分鐘


∎ 聯絡我們 | 任何疑難、任何鼓勵,都歡迎您直接與我們聯繫


∎ 關注我們 |











|Exhibition Information


∎ Exhibition Name | 無期遷徙 Liminal Space 

∎ Exhibition Time | 2022 /06 /03 - 2022 /06 /07 

                    10:00 - 20:00

∎ Opening Event | 2022 /06 /02 17:30 Entry 18:00 Start

∎ Location | Huashan1914 E2 Building D

∎ Trafic | Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station (Blue Line/Orange Line): Exit 1, walk for approximately 3 minutes


∎ Contact us | Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


∎ Follow us |

Click on the link for more information👇



華山園區東2D倉庫 / 100台北市中正區八德路一段1號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2022/05/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/05/28 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$160

~ 2022/06/07 20:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料